Ramang G wrote:
Dear all, This is problem with the Centos ISO CD booting issue.
The CD content has two folders 1) isolinux 2) LiveOS. In BIOS CD has been made as first boot device and it boots for other bootable. The MD5 Value matches with the downloaded image correctly.
We cannot simply guess what is the problem unless you give proper information about the symptoms.
By 'other bootable', are you refering to Windows CDs? Do other live Linux distros boot from your system?
When your CentOS CD does not boot, does your system simply skip the CD or does the live session at least show the first boot options screen or does the session crash mid-way?
Does this CD boot properly on other systems?
What motherboard model, CD/DVD drive model and RAM memory are you using? On the internet do other users of the same boards face similar problems?
Did you try again after burning another CD from the same or if possible a newly downloaded iso image?