On Mon, Mar 20, 2006 at 04:28:10AM +0530, Puneet Lakhina wrote:
the package works perfectly fine.. Now is there anyway i can get all the packages dependencies and the package itself inside a single directory which i can write to install the package at a place where an internet connection is not available.
If you haven't used the 'apt-get clean' command, the packages will still be available in the '/var/cache/apt/archives' directory.
Ofcourse, you will still need to know the dependancies. You can find a list of dependancies for a package using 'apt-cache depednds <packagename>'. Check out the manpage of apt-cache for more.
Ofcourse, if you haven't downloaded installed the package (and its deps) yet then you can simply do an 'apt-get clean' to remove the cache of all previous packages and the do an 'apt-get install <package> -d'. The -d switch will only download the package files. Then you may find the files in the directory named above.