I recently installed linux 8.0 But facing some problems:
- Unable to detect modem
To check whether your modem is detected try wvdialconf (maybe that probably might help)
- Unable to access data of windows from linux and vice-versa
How did you try to access the windows partition.You should know in which partition windows is installed and then try to mount that partition(e.g suppose i have hda1 as my primary windows partition(C: drive) give the command mount /dev/hda1 mountpoint(any dir), and if it still complains try to give the type of the partition(VFAT,NTFS etc) with the mount command.) You should have the module support/builtin for the required partition type in the kernel before doing this.try doing cat /proc/filesystems to see the supported filesystems.
- Where to do programming unable to find editor etc.
i didnt get this question.
- where are files of linux source code stored as it as open
source software
the source code should be present in /usr/src/linux-version if you installed the sources
- Linux automatically boots after 7 seconds. Can this setting
be changed
OK.once you boot into linux,as root open the file /etc/lilo.conf and edit the timeout=tsecs value. This sets a timeout (in tenths of a second) for keyboard input.If no key is pressed for the specified time, the first image is automatically booted. you can also change the default image to load by this parameter default=name of the label u have given(e.g linux/dos/windows etc)
Life is a sexually transmitted disease. Unix is like a wigwam -- no Gates, no Windows, and an Apache inside.Unix is very user-friendly. It`s just picky who its friends are.