On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 1:09 AM, Dinesh Joshi dinesh.a.joshi@gmail.com wrote:
On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 6:35 AM, VidAyer vid@svaksha.com wrote:
Sarcasm, Mr. Dinesh Joshi ?? I would credit you with a lot more intelligence than that. So i'll just step over your current self-indulgence in asking leading questions[0] via presuppositions[1], petitio principii[2] and syllogisms[3] and invite you to help LCIN (see below...:))
Thank you for your err..compliments. If I was you, I would really refrain from pulling at any of my threads ( quite literally ). I can be somewhat a complete ass at times. An example of which is elegantly illustrated below. Sorry for spoiling your fun but that is how I am :-)
Hey, I knew it all along and you didnt have to take the trouble to prove it again. BTW, the word "elegance" is a misnomer.
...but I'm not (kidding) when I invite you (and other members who derive joy in flaming others) to volunteer for conducting LC-Labs[4] sessions in Mumbai, in addition to Mehul Ved's Linux session** at VJTI. Linuxchix-India has been trying to sync with the local LUG groups and it would be fantastic if you could volunteer to help us
Sure!! Just sponsor my ticket from US to Mumbai ( and back ). I would love to help you guys out :-)
...USA? duh... besides comprehension problems, you need to get your eye-sight checked for vision problems too....but then you just claimed:"I can be somewhat a complete ass at times". Polarity item?? Not sure if the Queen** would feel any pride atm.
** as in, Queen Elizabeth :-D
being an example of why _some_ local LUG's miss out on various aspects, especially active participation of women[5] and I've said that earlier in a different context[6].
This raises the issue of discrimination. I will not be discriminated against :-P ( flame bait ;-) ). And I dont get it. If women want to use Linux they'll use Linux. Why the heck do you guys have to herd ( read: herd, not Hurd :-P ) them into using Linux? Spreading awareness is one thing, but discriminating against us men? It has gone far enough. It ends here. Now. You want a separate mailing list, separate irc rooms, next you people will ask for separate Linux distros ( or probably it is there already ). Why dont you people just go and live on a different planet? You'll use our mailing lists, our irc rooms, our distros and vice-versa? nah... we're kicked out...mercilessly ( not that I've been on the receiving side, ever :-) ). You're fracturing the whole social fabric. Dont you get it? :-/ This doesn't fit into my philosophy. Make it a general event and I'm there ( after you sponsor my tickets ofcourse ).
And for your kind information please, PLEASE do not bring in the whole minority, under-represented and lack-of-opportunity crap in countering my arguments. Nobody is discriminating against women and keeping them from getting their hands on a Linux distro or a computer. Linux enthusiasts ( "read: men" which holds true in 99/100 cases ) will be more than willing to help anybody, especially, women. One of the founding principles of the GNU philosophy is openness ( I dont think I need to explain what it is, right? ;-) ). With FSF's philosophy, everyone is welcome. You're abusing it by applying this stupid minority crap to it.
Ouch...it must've hurt, right? :O I'm not sorry :-) Hope this teaches you a good lesson. Do your homework before replying to my post.
So before you write another oh-i'm-so-1337 reply, please know what you're dealing with :-)
LOL... you comparing yourself to Linus Trovalds and RMS ??? ... thanks for the good laugh. Not even light-years near them, but yeah, your senseless rant above proves (what we already knew) that you are an unintelligent, hubris-filled, blubbering TROLL. Maybe this list (and the admins) want to tolerate a useless troll like you but you are lucky that the list admins here dont use this rule[0], else this[1] would be the result.
[0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_No_Asshole_Rule [1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2008-June/001550.html
Vid who will be LOL for a *long* time.