On 1/24/07, C.E. Hariharan wrote:
Mine is 101GGC and since i have absolutely NO experience with Linux,i would
like to get a normal distro first and gain some knowledge before experimenting.sorry :-(
Use Ubuntu 6.10 as it boots live and then gives an 'install' icon on the live desktop itself. Use your last windows partition eg. F: or E: When you come to the disk setup part, choose 'Manual Install'. Delete your last partition so that it converts into Free space. From that total free space, subtract 2 GB and create a new partition of that subtracted size. Use Ext3 or Reizerfs as your partition type (file system). Label it as a slash '/'. Convert the balance free space into a swap partition. Then let the installation proceed further. Don't touch partition 1 as it is your C: drive.
but ubuntu doesn't support 101 as intel's site says:
You have a lot to learn in the linux world. Dont go by what the big names say. More oft than not they are wrong. AFAIK 101 board has no problems with Ubuntu. If ever in doubt, google is your best friend. I googled ( Linux + Intel + 101 + board + problems ) and in about 2 mins I found out that 101 works well with FC4/5/6. So Ubuntu must definitely support it. Try it out and see if it works. If it doesnt then the community will surely help you out. Same story with my DG965RY board.
In the end a little tweaking, searching and community help went long way in getting my system working smoothly and I am ECSTATIC that Linux runs my system! :)