Sometime on Mar 29, Devdas Bhagat assembled some asciibets to say:
mod_rewrite + DNS Probably easier. points there (and adding a subdomain even saves on the domain registration costs, just an A record is required). Saves even on the automagic rewrite if is an autorefresh page to .
Well, the problem here is that Harshal would have to keep adding subdomains for everyone who asked for it. For those who don't know, is the unofficial VJTI site run by an ex-student.
Making subdirectories and putting up auto-redirect pages (either using the refresh or frames or through .htaccess) is easier for him than changing the apache configuration.
The frames soln was considered better because the domain name is always visible at the top. Unfortunately, that's also its problem. You see the same url regardless of which page you're looking at.
<meta>http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://path/to/new/stuff"</meta> is a bit better that a 1 second refresh.
that's <meta http-equiv....> but again, not as good a solution. The meta http-equiv tags are merely suggestions to browsers. They may or may not do what the tags tell them to. Browsers are only required to follow instructions passed in the http headers, so adding a header like:
Location: new_url Uri: new_url
or even Refresh: 0; new_url
These can be done through a simple cgi script written in shell:
echo "Location: new_url" echo "Uri: new_url" echo