-----Original Message----- From: Harsh Busa
How about a lecture on "Introduction to Windows 2003 Server Features" That shld people compare Linux and Windows objectively,and know where Linux scores/doesnt score over the fav rival. Knowledge of the 'enemy' is the prime requirement for a win!
I will take this point in a very positive way and will surely be attending it. we always talk about ourselves, lets see how others are doing in the same race.
Regards Harsh ---
I would not be able to attend any GLUG BOM meet though, I would like to provide some input. Win 2k3 SBS is different from its previous lot and is a good operating system ( technically), providing good number of features. ( Don't put cost and Freedom issues for time being)
In the release of Longhorn, which should support IPv6, the idea is, if you need to enable IPv6 support then -> Right Click in My Networks -> Click Properties -> Check the Box which says Enable IPv6 support.
Imagine doing this with Linux kernel based system. (Read the HOWTO and follow the steps).
Do you get the difference?