2011/1/30 Shamit Verma subs.linux.mum@vshamit.com:
Unless there is handset-handset transport encryption. Like Blackberry, Skype etc. - that GoI doesn't seem to like at all.
That does not apply to voice on GSM. Even is call is made from Blackberry, or it is made from Skype to a GSM endpoint, its no encrypted on at switch layer.
Only data traffic can be encrypted (including calls made using VOIP).
Yes, that is what's getting GoI's attention - if two people have Skype on their mobiles and use that to talk to each other exclusively, then there is no sniffing possible (as opposed to, had the same two people used regular GSM voice call). GoI, in PM/PC's world, would like to know what each person is upto at every moment.