On Friday 29 April 2005 22:36, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
From: Abhishek Daga abhishekdaga@yahoo.com
even after all that, i fear the taiwanese will still kick our butts big time. they simply rock when it comes to churning out these things.
Show some patriotism dude! We can achieve a lot of things if we just think positively. I have big hopes for Indian manufacturing sector. We already produce high quality goods
You must be joking. The goods that we produce are actually at least 6 to 10 yrs obsolete crap. Most of the manufacturers (including the Phoren ones) completely ignore the standards prevalent in their parent countries. Most of the products we export are due to e nvironment advantages (basmati rice, mangoes, shrimp) which have ZERO tech inputs, clothes because cotton and hence upstream goods are made here with cheap labour, and highily customised products / services which require individual attention to get some performance. Nothing that we export is because of quality - imo exception being art (religion, music, dance etc).
but we just need to work on the pricing factor and we'll be all set :)
To have quality and cost effective manufacture we require massive infrastructure which would take atleast 20 yrs (and that is a very very charitable estimate) to reach the same level of say Japan today. We require total removal of government messing in business. We require total change in the political landscape (changing majority wins to proportional representation). Not to mention other baseline requirements like education, sanitation etc. We are where we are because most of our infrastructure was built by the brits (for their own ulterior purposes) otherwise we are about as great as Ghana (organise your gang, raid a diamond mine, mine diamonds until the next gang fills u with lead) or Yemen (10 mile trek for water)
yawn same old story yr after yr.
rgds jtd