On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Binand Sethumadhavan binand@gmail.comwrote:
2011/5/26 Narendra Sisodiya narendra@narendrasisodiya.com:
I have wasted 14 minute with you.. bye..
FYI - Techright Produce finest quality blogs and You probably do not know about Techright and Roy...
I of course do. What I couldn't find is any reference to Microsoft's BoD being unhappy with the Skype acquisition - a tidbit I'm sure is a figment of YOUR imagination.
IMHO, it is the BoD that approves an acquisition, even though it may be proposed by the CEO. If there were issues about acquiring Skype, they would have been dealt with at an earlier stage.
That said, I must use up my remaining Skype credit soon. I just hope Skype wasted all that money on beach parties rather than keep it in the bank. I don't want Microsoft to get it.