On Tuesday 10 Jul 2007 22:43:51 Mohan Nayaka wrote:
On 7/10/07, Praveen A pravi.a@gmail.com wrote:
That is because you have not used the vi navigation keys it is 'h j k l" instead of left, down, up and right arrows - works on any version of vi (while on the command mode).
That is a pain to use and remember. Why not the arrow keys?
Because once upon a time, not all keyboards had arrow keys. Another reason I've heard is that its much faster to scroll with these keys since your fingers don't have to travel around too much. And as it is, once you get used to it, there's nothing to remember. I end up using j and k in less. My man pages are also opened in vim. It allows me to click the references to other man pages.
function vimman() { vim -R -c "Man $1 $2" -c "bdelete 1" -c "set nonumber"; } alias man=vimman
Add that to your environment file.
Btw, vim does support the arrow keys. If yours doesn't check if the vi compatibility mode is on.