Mukesh Yadav wrote:
Hi, I have one remote machine which is running CentOS, right now there is nothing installed in this machine, I want to set up a PHP web server. I tried googling but now i'm confused how I go about it should I compile everything or I install is through yum. if you guys can guide me that will be great
Hey, If you have a normal installed CentOS installation, just go ahead and do the following
1. Install Apache
yum -y install httpd
2. Install PHP yum -y install php php-cli php-mysql
once the above is done
start Apache (httpd)
service httpd start
you can go to the following directory to upload all your php files
cd /var/www/html/
for the default file name it "index.php", so when you type
http://%5Bip address of your server]/
it will open the above "index.php" file,
if you type
http://%5Bip address of your server]/myfile.php
then it will run/open the file myfile.php in the directory "/var/www/html"
cheers RB