On Fri, 01 Oct 2004 17:05:13 -0400, Anurag anurag@hbcse.tifr.res.in wrote:
Dont worry Yayati, from what i saw there, It was a really nice presentation. They showcased their latest technologies that they are working on. Their CEO, gave a nice presentation on a Windows laptop using Microsoft Powerpoint slides. A video of Redhat Advt. was also shown on Windows Media Player. It showed models working on Windows machines and saying "I am RedHat" .... Screenshots of Internet Explorer were quoted.
Really it was a nice opportunity to see a demonstration of Microsoft Technologies.
Well I had been to a presentation by Novell and they used their own GNU/Linux based products to showcase it. Redhat is setting a bad precedent here and is a bad advertisement for open-source software. Potraying FLOSS as anti-M$ is presenting a very narrow view of the distinct advantages of FLOSS.
<disclaimer> I am just an enduser and not anyway related commercially with Redhat or Novell. </disclaimer>