On 4/2/06, bombay news bombaynews@hotmail.com wrote:
April's Digit magazine has a few linux versions incl Ubuntu and Damn Small Linux. Now I would like to run these from the CD/DVD itself like a Live CD. Is this possible? Or will it damage my machine which runs on Windows XP?
I think Damn small linux is a live cd, which means you can run it off the disk without having to install anything. Ubuntu is not a live cd so if you want to use it you will have to install it on
your hard drive. You can also try out Puppy Linux which is a live cd. BUt first you will have to burn it onto a cd. Even byzantine OS is a live cd but I haven't heard much about it so I can't comment much on it. No linux distro can harm your Windows XP, only you can through bad disk partitioning. You should be careful while partitioning disk, which is very easy once you do it. Live cd's can cause no harm at all. You can only boot Damn Small Linux from the cd, if you want to use any other linux included, then you will have to burn the iso onto a cd.