- rarely used commands (most ppl even don't know about them e.x. 'wall', 'write').
Not necessary. I mean, in office "write" and "wall" end up being frequently used commands - say in my case, where we have everyone working on one Linux machine via telnet.
Well, This was supposed to be for newbies and average linux users, who might not be using linux in their offices :). It is most logical that only some part of these commands wud prove to be new to a frequent user.
Why not have one of each in every message? Or better, divide the week such that you have [3] on Thu and Fri, [2] on Tue and Wed, and [1] on Sat, Sun and Mon.
I am of the opinion that we need to give some time to ppl to learn about each command - at least a day. And, btw, we will continue to talk in this manner forver.. Many have said that it is good - why not get a trial run done?? Bye, SP