On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Nikhil Joshi wrote:
Yes my initial and the recent filesystem crash was due to *power
failure* Can I have more info 'bout journalling file system please
There's plenty of information on the web. See http://www.linuxworld.com/linuxworld/lw-2000-10/lw-10-penguin_4.html for info on reiserfs, also see ibm's developerworks page.
The only thing you're probably interested in is how to set it up. All 2.4 kernels have reiserfs built in, but you'll have to recompile to enable it. Read the kernel-compiling howto for info.
Alternately, if you have RH7.2, it has ext3, which is basically ext2 with journalling support. If you have the driver, then just run tune2fs on your file system to create the journal, or add the ext3 patch to your kernel source and recompile.
Actually I don't have separate partitions. I have this / and swap
partition only. I do this since my hard disk is just 4 gigs. I've read that you have
not a problem, but even if you have a small harddisk, a separate /boot, /usr and / is good. separate /home may be good to protect your own data.
to be real Linux guru to recover the lost+found data. So I did not bother about it. Can
You should try first to decide. Don't believe anything you hear. Always try it yourself. Or, in the words of a famous personality `Do or do not. There is no try.' If you don't know who said that, then you've missed out on life.
go into the lost+found directory. Most files will have weird names, but you can generally see the contents. If you've created the files, then you should know what they contain.
Run file on the file to figure out what type it is.
If a directory is in there, then files inside the directory will still have their original names. You can use this to restore the entire directory.