I am trying to "convert" and persuade a friend of mine to Linux. His ISP is 7 star cable based "broadband".
I tried searching on google, and found a forum posting about suggesting the use of linc daemon. However, we couldnt get it working. I suspect it was an authentication issue.
His account page on the 7star website recommends use of cyberoamLinux client, and provides a download of it, but doesnt carry any specific guidelines on how to specifically configure it for 7 star settings.
Has anyone used this ISP? What client did you use (linc daemon/ cyberoam/anything else)? Any pointers, sample config files that worked for the client, would be most welcome. All we have at hand is the gateway IP, username, password and the DNS servers.
I've used the cyberoamLinux client with with exactt connection. 1. download the compressed file. 2. uncompress it and go into the directory (crclient for me, should be same ) 3. then ./crclient -u <username> 4. it should ask for the gateway address in dotted decimal format. (u need to give it only once, the next time it stores it takes it from the config file) 5. then it shoudl ask for the password, followed by "remember password'?
Thats about it. To log in hence forth, just need to do ./crclient -u <username>
Forgot to mention, to logout its ./crclient -l