Sometime on Feb 13, Sachin Chavan assembled some asciibets to say:
Multiple distros simultaneously On single machine ??
I currently have Fedora and Knoppix installed on the same hard disk. I don't run them simultaneously, but then that's because I have no use for that. Yes, they do share swap space.
I have pentium-II 400MHZ. with SuSe 9.1 and Red Hat 9.0
Good for you. I have an Athlon 1.8XP
I can Run SuSe's X desktop On tty7 and Red Hat's X desktop on tty2 simultaneously with single swap partition and 192(64+128) MB RAM
Is it same what u r saying Multiple distros simultaneously On single processor machine ??
I was talking about having them running complete instances of the machine simultaneously. Both would have tty1-7 (or more), both would have their own keyboard and display (shared through some mechanism), and their own memory space (completely separate). Both would share the network, very likely having two different IP addresses (possible on a single network card), and you'd be able to ssh in to either at the same time, and even from one to the other.
Also note that I haven't figured out how to do it yet, but unlike many, I don't say it's impossible... I'm pretty sure that it can be done.