Sometime Today, Shishir assembled some asciibets to say:
Fix your line length please.
Can any one please tell me how do i get httpsd installed on my linux pc. I get httpd when I install apache and I guess I should get httpsd when I install mod_ssl, openssl.....but its not or is there
What is httpsd? If you mean apache with ssl support, then say that. You get http when you install apache. httpd is just the name of the executable. If you compiled apache with mod_ssl, then you also have ssl support (https). You just need to start apache with ssl support. If you use apachectl to start apache, you normally do apachectl start. If you just type apachectl, you will get a list of options (did you do this?). One of them says start_ssl. That sounds like a good option for starting ssl don't you think? You could also read the source of apachectl. It's a very simple script.