On 7/17/05, Anurag anurag@bsd.miki.eu.org wrote:
Sometime on Sun, Jul 17, 2005 at 03:31:06PM +0530, Vinayak Hegde said:
On 7/17/05, Nikhil Marathe nsm.nikhil@gmail.com wrote:
This is a dumb question. Is Linux pronounced as (Li - nux) where Li is like in 'lit' or like in 'lie'.
It's not a dumb question considering that half the people mispronounce linux. The debate over the pronounciation was settled long time ago by Linus himself (remember sndconfig on Old linux distros ??). Linux is pronounced as "Lee-knucks".
A google search threw up these links: http://www.paul.sladen.org/pronunciation/ http://www.safalra.com/science/linguistics/linux.html