Hi T. Ullas,
I would like to know what is a flashMob. What is its application.
A flashmob generally is an impromptu group of people congregating at one place to do a certain activity like a protest or something.
In our context, it is a bunch of people coming together with their computers to run a clustered version of Linux in order to create a super-computer. The primary objective of this super-computer is to run the LINPACK benchmark to find the collective GFLOP rating of the cluster. Check out www.flashmobcomputing.org and other references on the net.
We, in Mumbai have been toying with the idea of doing something like this for the last couple of months but nothing concrete has happened so far. Downloading the flashmob distribution from the net http://www.cs.usfca.edu/flashmob/download/iso/USF_FlashMob_RC_4.iso, and playing with it is just the first step in this direction.
Regards, Rajesh