Hi guys,
I hv subscribed to no of mailing lists. Hence I get around 100 emails everyday. Thus to manage my emails I use procmail, so that my emails are filtered in to seperate folders as soon as they arrive.
But the problem is that procmail works for few days and then it stops working. Again it starts working after some days. This is irritating since when it is not working my default inbox is flooded with emails.
I ve been told that our procmail has been setup in such a way that I do not need to hv a .forward file in my home directory, only a .procmailrc file is enough.
I use mutt as my email client.
my .procmailrc file is as follows.
SHELL=/bin/sh PMDIR=/home/shashank/
LOG=" " ## VERBOSE=yes
# Set to no if you want minimal logging; default is all ## LOGABSTRACT=no
# Replace $HOME/Msgs with your mailbox directory # Mutt and elm use $HOME/Mail
MAILDIR=/home/shashank/Mail # Make sure this directory exists! DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/INBOX LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/.procmaillog LOCKFILE=$HOME/.lockmail
# INCLUDERC=$PMDIR/rc.testing # INCLUDERC=$PMDIR/rc.subscriptions
# Mail Filters
:0 * ^TO.shashank@hbcse.tifr.res.in $DEFAULT
:0 * ^Subject:.[ILUG-BOM] Mumbai-LUG
:0 * ^TO.*linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in Mumbai-LUG
:0 * ^TO.*Indic-computing-users@lists.sourceforge.net Indic-Computing
:0 * ^TO.*semanticweb@yahoogroups.com Semantic-Web
:0 * ^TO.*debian-announce@lists.debian.org Debian-Mailing-List
:0 * ^TO.*gnowsys@lists.gnowledge.org gnowsys-Mailing-List
:0 * ^TO.*zope-dev@zope.org Zope-dev-Mailing-List
:0 * ^Subject:.[Zope-Dev] Zope-dev-Mailing-List
:0 * ^TO.*zope@zope.org Zope-Mailing-List
:0 * ^Subject:.[Zope]* Zope-Mailing-List
:0 * ^Subject:.[gnome-love]* Gnome-Love-Mailing-List
Thanx in advance