On Saturday 12 Feb 2005 7:10 pm, Philip Tellis wrote:
Sometime Today, Kenneth Gonsalves assembled some asciibets to say:
well, the difference between msyql and sql standard rdbms's is precisely that in mysql you control the database by writing external code whereas in standard sql the database does the work and the coding is within the database
Oh, ok, you're talking about stored procedures and PL/SQL. I agree with you there that most database logic can be thrown into stored procedures. I do not however agree that you can do everything in SQL and just do UI at the next level (PHP/Perl/Python/whatever).
There is quite a bit of logic that needs to be done at a middle level, which is where C++ comes in.
ok, you need a C++ guy to do some some stuff - i agree. But what is the need for a db-op?