I would say J2EE and LAMP both have great features and good developer bases to utilize these features. The real issue is not what architecture is best, but what architecture will help achieve organisational goals while maintaining the desired level of security, robustness, and flexibility. It is also important to keep in mind that these two architectires were developed with different end-users in mind.
Sun Micro, who used to service high-end clientele, originally developed Java (I'm not talking about Oak) to create a new market for them to enter into: application development tools, server software, licensing fees, training fees, certification fees, etc. The LAMP architecture's projects on the other hand rose from the needs of SMEs and small-time developers unable to pay high amounts for adopting technology architectures and remaining profitable at the same time (very short story version). Evolving as seperate projects, each intended to offer freedom from the limitations of commercial softwares that also depended on the economic viability of individual developer companies.
Currently, the situation is that large corporations, with legacy purchases, succumbing to FUD propoganda by large commercial companies, opt for what they (mistakenly) call "supported" (commercial) software. On the other hand, you have smaller, newer companies unburdened by legacy purchases, and with a better understanding of Free Software, looking at this as an attractive option to increase short-term, and maybe long-term profitability. I am not counting development houses here as they generally opt for the technology of their major clients.
Hence, as we can see from the facts above, at the end of the day the choice of J2EE or LAMP depends on what architectures companies are willing to pay for and sustain, and NOT what consultants or even their own IT/IS departments recommend.
Clinton Goveas http://www.clintongoveas.com
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