On Friday 26 December 2008 10:13, Surya Pratap wrote:
Rony wrote:
Windows is quite a PITA to maintain especially with viruses and its affinity for corrupting the file system,
Windows has as many viruses because of its popularity, security, no matter the OS is actually up to the user, think of, what a nasty program can accomplish if it is given root access in linux.
HA ha you fell for that crappy defence parroted by the microzombies. This line was picked up from a study about environment diversity. What they convienently forget to mention is the opportunity costs to an attacker. Eg. put a litre of sugar water in the open, you get lots of flies lets say 5000. Put ten thousand litres of sugar water you get huge numbers but most certainly not 500000000. Why? there arent that many flies in the area and it's very costly for flies from far away to come. Now keep a bottle of honey in the middle of your sugar water. The honey bottle has a tiny spiral opening thru which only one fly can pass. You will get a few flies out of the thousands trying to get in. How come? Honey is a lot more nutritious than sugar water.
There is a lot more to that story about attacks and biological vectors and jump distances and infection strategies. But all those come into play only when you have a honey pot which advertises it self but has ample inherent defences. Honey pots with five hundred holes to make eating the honey easy dont require any of these complex analysis.
To put it in plain language M$ products are a piece shit wrapped in honey. Quoting lines from these complex studies to con idiots is fine. But if you are a pro check everthing about M$ with three veery fine tooth combs so that you dont look like the target.
The way I see it, Windows OS is not that bad, the bad part is the restrictions that a user/developer is forced go through because of the licensing issues.
That is the bad part, treating your customers like thieves. It tickles me no end to see people jump thru hoops and pay good money for shit wrapped in honey.