On Wednesday 17 February 2010 13:24:31 Rahul Jayaraman wrote:
I personally like having choices. Imagine having a 'PLAN B' for a 'PLANB' for a 'PLANB'. A 'poor windows user' who refuses to appreciate this is probably very resistant to change. Any change.
well you have plan A or Plan B or Plan C OR Plan A or Plan B or Plan B or Plan B else Plan c or Plan C or Plan see
There are alternatives galore. Without knowing your precise needs, and quite often even after knowing, one really is hard pressed for making a decision.
Take the case of cellular services - operators galore, plans ad nauseum, phones too numerous to list. I have yet to hear of someone not using cell phones because there are too many operators and plans and phones. Or of someone with a problem not switching becaase he has choices.
We are surrounded by choices. Hide head in the sand get poket picked.