Hi guys,
I am sure you remember, the story I posted few days back, on the mailing list ( http://groups.google.com/group/lug-indore )about Ankit Fadia, "Ankit Fadia : The real picture " . There is a new twist in the story. :-)
I sent this mail to various people, including one IT and Cyber Law expert, Deepti Chopra. She also felt that Mr Fadia is doing something fraud and misleading people. She talked to Certificate authority of India and questioned about the authenticity and credibility of the certificate. When I posted the original story to various people, I got many positive responses. I forwarded all those mails to Deepti and she passed them to the Certificate authority of India.
Now the twist in the story. :-)
Deepti just informed me that, she got positive reply from Certificate authority of India. They have issued a notice to Mr Fadia and CEO, Reliance Web World to stop the issuing certificates. Now we are also thinking about taking some legal action against Mr Fadia and Reliance Web World.
Cheers to our victory over unethical business practice and fraud. :-) Do send me your suggestions and views.
-- Prabhat Sandheliya --------------------------------------------------------------------- Promote Linux - Join mailing list : http://groups.google.com/group/lug-indore (Linux Users Group - Indore)