I am on Debian Lenny, and have a Compaq laptop with Nvidia chipset and networking. I have a DSL wifi router at home which has WPA2/WPA1 security enabled and it is working fine
The problem I face is that the nvidia graphics card is only getting configured on kernel 2.6.26.and the wpa_supplicant does not connect to the router.
On the other hand on kernel 2.6.30 the wpa_supplicant is connecting properly and nvidia graphics card is not supported.
As in on kernel 2.6.30: 1. There is no nvidia-kernel module and I have tried the module-assistant method and it is not working. 2. On Sid. as soon as I install nvidia-glx the entire xserver binary files are removed.
I do not want to do a manual compile as then I will have to manually do the upgrades always.
All I want to know is any pointers in configuration that may need to be done.
Thanks, Cyril Chacko