hi all a friend had a problem. here's the prob description , plz help ############ Hi i am having a problem NFS config. There are 2 problems.
1. At server, when i do # service nfs restart while Shutting down NFS daemon it gives last server has exited nfsd: unexporting all filesystems rpciod: active tasks at shutdown?!
2. At client, when i do # showmount -e <<server i.p. address>> it gives mount clntudp_create: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Unable to receive
I am able to ping from client to server. nfs and portmap have started on both client and server. exportfs is showing my exported directories in /etc/exports #################################### thx ------------------------------------ GNUrpreet Singh MPIT 1 (Nw specialization) Symbiosis Center for IT www.scit.edu