you have possibly not created the Maildir for mail delivery.
you can do so by,
------------------------------------------------------ su - username /var/qmail/bin/maildirmake Maildir exit ------------------------------------------------------ or
------------------------------------------------------ cd /etc/skel /var/qmail/bin/maildirmake Maildir ------------------------------------------------------
and this will create maildir directory by default for every system user you create.
Best Regards, Mitul Limbani (mitul 2 mitul.com)
acharya@dacafe.com writes:
Hi all
I have installed qmail on 7.x. Redhat linux.
After installing when i send mail. I recive this error in log.
- mail r beeing accpetd by thes server but not delivering to the mail
Error as follows. delivery 1: deferral: Unable_to_chdir_to_maildir._(#4. 2.1)/
Can anyone say where i went worng.