On Wednesday 17 August 2005 14:38, A.Guru prasath wrote:
Can someone get hold of the mou under the right to information act?
Good point made, but how to interpret that law at this context. Standardisation of computing machinery and software is the solution. Does government set any standard for procuring these things?
As per the press release the cosultant and the provider is the same. The consultant has to provide vendor neutral specifications with unbiased inputs. There was no RFP for others to compete. If M$ is going to generate the rfp it cannot be the provider. This is the most glaring violation of norms. There are large number of guidelines in govt procurement policies which will make it difficult for M$ to win contracts unless it can skew the procurement process. Hence the mou. Bringing out the skew in the newspapers should awaken suitable ngo's to file necessary pil's in the future. The one thing that politicians hate is pils.
rgds jtd