Hiyee there gnuers......
I am workin on integrating a dialup mail server configuration into QMTEW(www.qmailtheeasyway.com).
These r the following issues that i face.
--> Having installed serialmail(to deliver mail to
the isp's smtp server).....i have
configured user "alias" to recieve all mail on the local box via smtp...... This works fine.......nd all mail is recvd @ the local smtp server.....now comes the tricky part
--> Using maildirsmtp which is part of the serialmail package, when i try sending the mail outside......it bounced off my test isp's smtp relay server. Some isps bounce it cause the FROM address in the mail header is from the dialup box which isnt resolvable......
--> I need a way for qmail to masqureade the from header when it send out the mail ....... like all mail from trevor@localhost should be changed to trevor@xyz.com...... also... nd mail that goeso ut from the mail server to the isps'account should have its from address as @xyz.com.
If ny1 can throw some light on these issues......i can complete my own project thats stuck and also......do some comprehensive testing and incorporate "Qmail for DIAL-UP users"in
which according to me is a much needed feature which should have been there int he 1st
Waiting for pointers from ur end asap. Thx in advance.......
Trevor Warren
===== ( >- LINUX, It's all about CHOICE -< ) /~\ __ http://www.qmailtheeasyway.com __ /~\ | ) / mailto: trevorwarren@yahoo.com \ (/ | |_|_ \ Urgent ->9820349221@maxtouch.co.in / _|_| ___________________________________/
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