Rony wrote:
Hi Rajen,
You have got the picture clear. I already have xine-lib, xine ui and the win32 dlls in my system. Still the problem.
That's because xine-libs by Suse Linux are not compiled with mp3 support. So, although you have installed xine-libs it won't play mp3. So, download the one available with packman and you are on your way. Alternatively you can download the xine-libs sources and then compile it yourself. I prefer doing that because downloading from packman will want you to download lot of other stuff (l don't exactly remember which one, but all are other multimedia libraries). So, just download the sources of xine and compile it. When you run configure select the --help option and see what options are enabled/disabled by default, so you wouldn't miss any stuff that you might want.
I guess Win32 dlls will help for native Windows files like .asf, .wmv, etc. but not for mp3. This is my guess, others could correct me.
HTH, Rajen.