Nitesh Mistry wrote:
Yes, Very much the same procedure. Hardy appears in the drop-down list on the PPA page of OO.o Scriblers ( When you select it, it gives you the deb line of their Hardy repo. Add it to your sources, import the key given on their page and reload the apt. You can see the update offered from 2.4 to 3.1. The only issue I faced, as mentioned in the previous mail was that - after updating, duplicate entries appeared in the Office Menu of Application Launcher. I had to manually remove them. Anyways, being a heavy user of spreadsheets, I didn't find visible improvements and still continue using MS-O for the purpose (another flame bait! :P )
The method worked and I was able to install OO3 in Ubuntu 8.04.
The procedure was simple and is from this link.
Add the PPA repos for Hardy in apt sources.lst. Copy the signature text to a file and save it with some name. Open Synaptec and add the signature file to the signatures list. Update synaptec and select OpenOffice 1.3.1.x This selects all other related packages and also marks older packages for removal. After installation the menu already had single entries for various OO components. Clicking on them directly opened OO3.
The confusing part was to select a signature from a list of 3. I used the first one in this link and copy / pasted its full text to a file.
The only downside was that the client had already set heart on Ubuntu 9.04 so after this successful procedure I had to install 9.04 on all the machines. But thanks to you and Osric for letting me know about OpenOffice PPAs as this will help me upgrade other systems.