On Sunday 08 January 2006 21:11, Mohan Nayaka wrote:
On 1/7/06, Rony Bill ronbillypop@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
Dinesh Joshi wrote:
This is a howto of enabling apt for Yellow Dog's CDs. It will work with Fedora's CDs as well.
Apt is a really powerful utility and I recommend that you switch over to Debian if possible because its package management rocks! You better believe me because I was a Fedora / Redhat loyalist (still am) for a long time! :D
> Rony
In this context, how does one undo an installation done by compiling from source ? It is difficult to know which files are created/stored and in which directories by `make install' .
Regards, Mohan S N
eh? Debian package management uses .deb files just like redhat has .rpms. Anyway i think you want to uninstall a package installed via source. You have two options.
1. Use checkinstall 2. use the scripts supplied with the program
To use the first option you need to install the checkinstall utility. Google for it. For the second option, you need to execute the command: "make uninstall" in the source tree of the program. Now if the author is good, he should've provided that script. If not you need to trackdown all files and delete it. Dont ask me how because I haven't ever tried it.