Not exactly related to Linux, but for those of you who might use Solaris or HP-UX at work, Veritas is organizing training for Disaster Recovery on these platforms. The profile of people expected to attend seems to be IT managers and the like, so if you are one one of the genus and are interested, here's the stuff. I've cut out the nice colourful HTML flyer for your benefit and just included the contact details :)
--- khach khach ---
Please indicate the session(s) which you would like to attend :
_____ DR for UNIX (SUN Solaris & HP UX) 23rd October 2001 , 9.00am 12.30pm
_____ DR for Exchange & SQL 23rd November 2001 , 9.00am 12.30pm
For registration, kindly complete these details and email to or call to register at Tel : + 91 22 8303025 / 28 / 37 or fax in your registration at Fax : + 9122 830 3043
Thank you.
Name : Title : Company Name : Address : Tel : Fax : Email :
--- khach khach ---
--- Tushar Burman BSD/Linux evangelist, friend to animals Y!: tusharburman MSN: tusharburman AOL: tusharburman ICQ: 112803958
The light at the end of the tunnel is a brilliantly illuminated scoreboard that says God 7, Humans 2.