hi All,
I am new in Linux world.
I have just purchased the tata's SCX-1080 USB internet data card, but unable to access internet.
I have Debian at home, so my question is how can this USB internet data card work on Debian?????
In old version there is wvdial.conf file which contains the require information to work internet on linux. but in newer version of Debian Lenny I cannot see that file.
How to install wvdial in Debain or newer version of Linux without internet connection if there is any way to do that?
I have also tried dpkg -i wvdial .deb packeage, but it's not working. I have also checked the fstab and log file, pc cannot detect the data card. How can I over come from this problem?
Please help...I need to sort out this as soon as possibel...
Thanks & Regards,
Suraj Nayak