On 27-Jul-07, at 10:46 PM, Roshan wrote:
own business and lets you mind your own.
That was a pretty good example!
here is a nice one:
The hottest selling item in petty shops in chennai is water. One water packet costs 1 rupee. I have noticed even the poorest of the poor spend that one rupee on a water packet. Because he knows that it is cheaper in the long run to spend 1 rupee on a water packet than to spend many rupees on antibiotics and doctors. There is an alternative to safe water - innoculate yourself against every known water borne disease and make sure you take booster doses (every day if possible). Also keep a check on the new diseases and viruses appearing and innoculate against them also.
Free water is not safe water - but paying for safe water saves huge amounts of money. Migrating to free software is expensive, but you dont need to spend on medical treatment every day for the rest of your life.