Yesterday I tried installing PCQuest Linux 8.0 on my new Athlon XP 1800Mhz system, with A7N266VM Asus mobo.(Thanks to some of you who advised me to use Athlon over Celeron!).
Now... When the installer(anaconda) starts, it probes the displays "unable to probe monitor" & after emitting a couple of lines the system hangs.
Using the options "Linux noprobe" or linux skipddc" as suggested doesnt skip the probe, & the same problem repeats again. I also trie the "linux rescue" option . Some of you have installed the PCQuest Linux 8.0. Maybe you can advise me...
Does'nt the installer have a text-installation routine? Try the boot prompt, you can type install text or something similar, check out the detailed docs on the boot screen when yuo start the install from the CD. A text install,is not only faster than anaconda, but you actualyl learn some things...and when you are done with the install, select text login instead of a GUI login. You can choose whatever window manager/desktop environent you want to load when X starts using startx