On 22/09/06, Dinesh Shah dineshah@gmail.com wrote:
I completely agree with you Rony. When you attack your opponent you are generally seen in poor light.
Roni and dinesh, please read my previous email and also one more in this same thread. I clearly mentioned I am not attacking any one. I just want to market the truth.
Indeed, instead of a rant show them what is possible and what "advantage" the customer is going to get.
very good. again I may repeat as in my previous email, this is what I want, this is why I am increasing this thread. keep on dropping good ideas. we all must take this up seriously. what dinesh, jtd, roni and chetan say even I also want the same thing. I am just telling what clients say. and I think showing them that their own customised softwares work well on linux is a brillient idea roni gave. add the virus free nature and fearless updates to the system without being frightened of data spy etc is a bonus.
I also feel that Chetan's strategy is very sound. But make sure that whatever FUD you give is backed by facts. :-)
I may go one step ahead and say, only give facts first and also cleverly make it a "raee ka pahad". infact some facts need to be hegjazarated. after we demonstrate the facts, make them afraid of things so much so that they fear business loss. because it is natural tendency of a person that when one fear is in real existance, they are afraid of 10 othres weather they exist or not. even what jtd suggested was nice. I think afterall some can be convinced that this is a real system. so that we can use them as testimonials and case studies. I have already given a money back promis to a person that in next 6 months there will be no virus attack on his complete linux machine, and unless there is no big issue the system will work very well in general. and by the way dinesh, roni, jtd, can you all please help me spear head this nice movement of free software marketing? I will be more than happy if I could meet all you guys and may6 be we can discuss this in details. I have an excelent marketing personal who just needs proper facts and well organised data with idea. he can make wonderful market out of it. regards krishnakant.