Add Edit Delete Reset Make RAID device
Drive Summery Device Geom [c/h/s] Total(M) Free(M) Used(M) used (%) hda [2481/255/63] 19461M 3883M 15578M 80 %
If I try to mount the entire free disk space (3883MB) as linux native with mount point as / (root) then the system gives the message that, " There are currently unallocated
On Aug. 3rd, Philip S Tellis suggested that :
Set your root partition to 1MB, and select `grow to fill disk' or something like that. I don't remember.
There is no option like 'grow to fill disk' If I try to set the root partition as 1MB or any other value, it gives the same error message as above i.e. There are currently unallocated.....
Then, select your swap as exactly 128MB, do not select grow to fill disk.
If I try to assign swap partition as 128MB from the free space of hda device the Disk Druid chart show Requested is 128MB & Actual is 2047MB & free space remains is only 1836MB. The same happend even if i assign swap of just 1MB. ( i.e. irrespective of the swap partition selected it assign 2047MB of disk space for the swap.) Why is this happening?
The ADD button in the Disk Druid gives the following options.
Mount Poing : Options [ /, /boot, /usr, /home, /var, /opt, /tmp, /usr/local ]
Size Megs : [ space to enter the size ]
[ ] use remaining space ( A check box option )
Partition Type : options [ Linux Swap, Linux Native, Linux RAID, DOS 16-bit < 32M, DOS 16-bit >= 32M ] Allowable Device : hda
Can you plz tell me which partition should b mounted 1st & which thereafter along with size. It does not allow me to mount any partition on the disk. If I try to mount any partition on the disk, it gives the error message with the reason eigther / Not enough free space ( althouge I have around 4GB for Linux ) OR / boot partition > 1024 cylinders.
the installation is aborted after that & the system halts.
It ( system ), once during the partitioning also told me that your Mount Point /usr should have 1227MB space. Does it require soo much space?
Do I need to assign my hda1 device [win95 FAT32] as root to get a dual bootable system. If so how much space shoud I assign to the root & do I need to reformat that drive (hda1) for root. ( I have windows installed on this partition.)
This should work, but you won't be able to boot with lilo until you upgrade your lilo.
I think RHL 7.1 has upgraded lilo, I'm not sure about that. If not where can I get upgraded lilo?
Make sure you create a boot disk when you are prompted for it.
Workstation class installation will install the X Windows System & the disktop manager(s) of your choise. A workstation class installation removes any Linux-related partition on all installed hard dreves (& uses all free unpartitioned disk space). All non-Linux related partition will left untouched & you will be able to boot other installed OS in addition to RH Linux after installation.
In addition to installation methods (i.e. workstation, server, laptop & custom), RHL can also be installed "within" an already existing FAT (DOS/ Windows) partition. This "partitionless" installation method is selected once you label a DOS partition as / (root) during the Disk Druid partition screen. It overrides the auto partition detection used in workstation class installation.
NOTE: If u r performing "partitionless installation" u will need to define an existing DOS/Windows partition as root shown as /. Click on the FAT partition u want to select for this installation. Once it is highlighted, click Edit to assign it the mount point of / (root). Click OK when u r done. Once u have confirmed this choise, u will need to define the appropriate amount of root file system & swap space for your system.
This info I get from the OnLine Help during the installation. Hope this will help us to solve the problem.
Reply soon
Thanks & Regards, Sameer :))
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