i have REDHAT 7.1 and jdk1.3 the jdk is in the /usr/java directory.initially i was not able to compile my java programs using jdk1.3 but i was able to compile with kaffe's javac.then i modfied the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variabe to point to the lib.jvm.so file in the jre directory.after settinfg the CLASSPATH variable to the present working directory i was able to compile my java program .after this when i try to run the .class file with java .class filename (without ofcourse the .class extension ) nothing happens the shell hangs cause idont get the commandprompt again.initially i thought it was because of the size of the java program cause i was porting a fairly lage application.but then i tried a simple program and it dint work either. any help,or links will be appreciated.
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