We can aim to lay the ground work for a 2 day commercial event ourselves. Learning from the same a larger event can always be scaled to.
[snip] i second that! another thing we could do is that put up roadshows at various engg, IT colleges and could hold side by side CD and Tshirt sale to generate some money. maybe i'l schedule something like that in my own college.
i think we should also have a proper trust where the money keeps collecting etc like pune linux users group. we could also run courses like the PLUG does, visit plug.org.in for more detail.
Besides the funds generated can always be pumped back to fsf.
for the conference, if we ask a company to organise it, the funds collected would go to them and not to fsf. think about that :) ----------------------------- GNUrpreet Singh MPIT 1 (Nw specialization) Symbiosis Center for IT www.scit.edu