hi all can anyone tell which is the DVD PLAYER on RH8 or RH 7.2 . or if there isnt one on the cd, is there some that i can download gurpreet
Gurpreet Singh Student Final Yr Computer Sc. & Engg. --------------------------------------------------------------------- M A K E Y O U R O W N R O A D --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Sandeep S.
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------------------------------------------------------------- C A N A N Y B O D Y M A K E T H E R O A D F O R M E? -------------------------------------------------------------
Gurpreet Singh wrote:
"Sandeep S." sandeep.s@directi.com writes:
Sandeep S.
I see that you are back in business :-)
I could, but it wouldnt be free as in beer ... I would need lots of that kind of fuel?
"Gurpreet Singh" tonysingh@rediffmail.com writes:
one could check out "mplayer" at least "The Code" divx ran on it quite well.
On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 05:06:36PM -0000, Gurpreet Singh wrote:
Mplayer works very well for me. Ogle and Xine also do a fairly decent job. HTH.