At 12:27 PM 5/28/02 +0530, you wrote: sameer echoed in his mail:
LInux For Education A customised Debian distribution for engineers Localisation being done at NCST-Juhu The ILUG-Bom website and resource repository I am sure other members will have a lot to say about this.
-------------- i am interested in doing some real work in the linux s/w area. can some lugger plz guide me to the relevant person by giving his email id , tel no or some other contact so that i can contribute back to the community. Preferably the work could be in network related areas (since i am familiar with it) but other interesting ideas are always welcome. kindly contact me off the list for this purpose so as not to annoy other members.
----> vinayak hegde
On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 11:42:10PM +0530, Vinayak Hegde wrote:
Yes I have something to say about the projects above. Customised Debian for engineers is a S/W project if you can make some tool which is related to engineering. Search for the LIFE archive you will see a list of some commercial tools which are not available for free. You can develop free equivalents.
Localisation is also a S/W project. The project involve display of information in local languages (Hindi/Marathi/Tamil etc..). After installing these locales. You can see the results of unix command like ls, date in hindi. for more information on this search for "indix" project on ncst home page of on google.
You can also make a software for managing ILUG-Bom website and resource repository. However a lot of tools are available for that but you can customise one of them for our purpose.
--- Pankaj Jangid wrote:
[snip] i need to guide lotz of students for projects, can some1 suggest watz the status of the distro for studentz.
If thers is somethin better that these students can work on, lemme know that too.
As for my idea of formin a small body which will dish out projetz to these studets nd guide them....no1 seems to b futherin the idea. Do we take this up or not....???
Trevor Warren
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