In perl, we have japhs. Here are two examples:
@a=split(q,,,qq,hgNbueCe nxe\nWf agr ryUpr,,);for($i=015;;){if($i>=@a ){last};$_=$a[$i++].$a[$i-0xe];y;[A-Ma-mN-Zn-z];[N-Zn-zA-Ma-m];;print}
@q=split(q??,qq?,JAPH \nacehklnorstubsqrfcnorkjpfdjpmfehi\ ljpag?);$i=0x13;while($i<=@q){print$q[ord($q[$i++])-0141]}
Equivalent to:
Now Philip will tell me the ',' should not be there.
This one's from ASR, I forget whose sig it was in:
$q=q($@@@#$$@#$$$#@%$@#@$#@@@#@#$$$$#$#$@$%$@@$#$#$@$#$@$$%$$$$#$@#@$@$#@$@#$# $@$);@c=split//,'0etianmsurwdkgohvf0l0Pjbxcyzq';$f=1;$s=0;for$c(split//,$q){if ($c ne'$'&&$c ne"@"){print $f?uc($c[$s]):$c[$s]if$c[$s];$s=$f=0;}else{$s*=2;$s ++;$s++if$c eq'@';}print" "if$c eq'%';}print "$c[$s],\n";#probably too general
and Dave Brown posted this one in the same froup:
print "xx/yy? ";$_=<>;m,([0-9]+)\s*/\s*([0-9]+),;$j=$1;$b=$2; $d=eval;$f=$d-int $d;$t=$f*$b;print int $d,$t&&" $t/$b","\n";
It's supposed to be some kind of math tutor. Now that I read it carefully, I think I see what he's doing. He said:
=item Someone commented that even though Perl actually compiled and ran that, I had obviously just fallen asleep on the keyboard and that's what came out. =cut