hello all, here is one more strange yet interesting query. if I want to use emacs to create, format, open and save .odt files from openoffice word processor, how can I accomplish it? I will be first interested to create odt documents and then even spreadsheets. I find emacs desktop very comfortable to use. I don't know how good it looks on the desktop but liked it very much. now if I can use it for createing formatted documents and spread sheets, nothing like it. I am already seeking some help for browsing internet with emacspeak. hope some one will drop in with the help for that as well. thanking all. Krishnakant.
On 28/09/06 23:37 +0530, krishnakant Mane wrote:
hello all, here is one more strange yet interesting query. if I want to use emacs to create, format, open and save .odt files from openoffice word processor, how can I accomplish it?
.ODT is a bog standard XML text file compressed with zip.
Devdas Bhagat
On 9/28/06, krishnakant Mane wrote:
I am already seeking some help for browsing internet with emacspeak.
have you tried w3-el-e21? install that and check http://www.ucc.ie/doc/editing/emacs-www.html
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2006/9/29, Vihang Dudhalkar vihang007@gmail.com: You can programatically access ODF from perl with the module http://search.cpan.org/dist/OpenOffice-OODoc/OODoc.pod
It is only a matter of time someone wirites a plugin for emacs.
Cheers Praveen