I have created a How-to for using the Svgalib with C. Svgalib is a graphic library (low-level) that offers basic functions for graphics programming.
In the past, I was trying to find out an alternative to writing C programs for graphics under any distribution.
Under Windows, I used the Turbo C++ 3.0 compiler (IDE) using the graphics.h file which provided ample of functions for trivial graphics programming.
When I discovered Svgalib, I found that I could do /almost/ everything that I did in Windows. Contributions to this how-to is highly encouraged.
(If the URL is broken, please copy paste it)
If there are BSc (Comp. Sci. / IT ) students on this list, you could get started with graphics programming using this how-to.
This how-to requires a How-to to get started with GCC as well. I do plan to begin it in this week. Long time back, Vinayak Hedge (I hope I got the name right!) wrote a how-to in LinuxGazzete for this. If anyone can jump in and compose a how-to for GCC, please do so.
-- FSF of India Associate Fellow -
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[Don't mean to hijack this thread]
On 8/6/07, Roshan wrote:
Roshan dude, this feels like deja-vu or something to me. Many years ago, I was searching for a lib that could do "1024x800" or atleast "800x600" since I could never get TC++ graphics.lib/drivers to work at higher than 640x480. And I wanted to create some GUI foo for some trivial civil engineering software that I had written so that 2nd year CE students didnot have to do some thousand calculations :P. First version was using gotoxy, next one using BGI. But then 640x480 really sucked after a point.
I started searching for svga and what not. I used to be running Win98 those days btw. So I bumped into two libraries - Zephyr and Allegro ( * ). Both could do what I wanted - nice gfx routines in svga. Allegro is a Game Programming Lib. Allegro was more community based and had GUI routines even. I fell in love with it. It was/is a "giftware" started as a hobby project by a dude called Shawn Hargreaves (typo?). He was the Linus for us Allegro fanboys. SDL was BSD for us, we loved to make fun of it :P.
( * ) I also found another library around this time - called as Qt - I thought it was foobar because it used C++ :O and I chucked it.
Anyways, I stuck with Allegro for a long long time. I learnt a lot while using it. I learnt that TC++ was the not the only compiler in the world, since Allegro needed something called DJGPP which apparently was a DOS port of some random compiler called gcc :O. Also learnt that there was something called MingW - Windows port of gcc. My Civil Engg. software was re-done using Allegro.
The best part about Allegro was its community. There is this forum site, Loads of helpful people there. For a long time, I was the only Indian there, iirc, then there were few more here and there. I suggest, you join if you are interested in Game Development. I have long stopped doing anything in Allegro since 3-4 years now, around the same time since I started using that library that I had chucked few years back :)
Try and play with Allegro to learn a lot of gfx routines, I suggest.
--- Pradeepto Bhattacharya wrote:
[Don't mean to hijack this thread]
Umm, interesting.
But now, you are /completely/ into it, isn't it?
I'm not particularly interested in game programming. A few of my friends are. However, they aren't probably aware of allegro. I think, I must introduce them to it.
I have installed Allegro libraries (4.1). Though I can find the documentation, the API documentation isn't accessible over the internet and isn't available within the docs. Though there are man pages for each function of the library, I'm keen to know the list of _all_ functions offered by the library. For example, I can search function offered by svgalib with man svgalib.
I cannot do the same with allegro. My search is on, but in the meantime, if you recall, please post it.
BTW, thanks for this email. It is always great pleasure to learn something from members of this list. :)
-- FSF of India Associate Fellow -
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On 8/7/07, Roshan wrote:
Well, you can call that. Its called "occupational hazard" :P
Ummm? I don't really recall much but what I recall is that it had quite a huge and exhaustive documentation in various formats. So you windows buddies can use chm, pdf and such even. I don't really understand what you mean by isn't accessible over the internet? Online docs? hmmm ...
ok, I just checked, its available on the official site. ( left hand side Documentation Section/Online Html) Isn't that what you wanted? You will find the functions are categorised even. Don't forget to see the examples sections or show them to your friends. Loads of examples show casing what it can do and what it can't. They even had a magazine called Pixelate. Come to think of it now, Allegro and Qt/KDE have certain beautiful similarities :)
Btw, check and ( Man, so many new things off late, the wiki was definitely not there when I was regular there ). So many new things, wow! have a sudden urge to go back there :).
BTW, thanks for this email. It is always great pleasure to learn something from members of this list. :)
Glad that you liked it. It brought back some really nice memories. Thanks to you too :)
Oh and dude, I really suggest see those examples and other stuff - because you will probably learn a lot of gfx stuff from it. More if you read the internals and quite a lot of portable code even, since it works across multiple compilers, not to mention Windows and Linux.
If you guys have the time and inclination then do give a thought to the animated desktop idea. It is aimed at senior citizens and other freshers who are too scared to go near a computer.
It will have big animated icons that resemble actual items used and tasks performed in daily life. For example to write a letter, there is an icon of a beautiful letter pad with pages flapping. The helping hand then turns into a pen that moves across characters as they are typed, to give an impression of a hand doing the writing. To change the font, a side button called 'writing styles' is used. On tapping that button, a magnified window of a sample letter opens up and a full paragraph of test text with that font is shown on the screen. After the letter is typed, it is either printed or the 'mail it' option is selected. The 'mail it' option makes the letter fold itself into an envelope. To post the letter, the receiving party's email address is typed on the envelope. A helping hand then posts it into a red post box. A uniformed postman then declares any errors if the smtp threw errors. To receive mail, the helping hand checks the letter box icon and if mail is received, it drops down like closed envelopes into a tray or bag.
The entire system can be a talking and animated one like a friendly male or female assistant helping out the senior citizen. It can be made in different languages. Nowadays, I see a lot of flash animation with audio and video and its very slim and trim on the memory. So something like that can be developed.
--- Pradeepto Bhattacharya wrote:
I was expecting sort-of Java like API docs. The API docs are available offline (I installed them)
Umm, ok.
-- FSF of India Associate Fellow - ubunturos @ freenode
5, 50, 500, 5000. Store N number of mails in your inbox. Go to
On Mon, 2007-08-06 at 23:17 +0530, Pradeepto Bhattacharya wrote:
wow :)
wow wow :P
totally agreed :P
one of the reasons I completely moved to Linux was allegro. I worked with allegro for some time on windows but then when the new version came out, it wouldn't compile. I tried tried tried and then simply got fed up. Rebooted my machine in Redhat 9 and tried compiling. Bam! It compiled flawlessly :) Along with allegro, I used this TTF library whose name I can't remember now :(
Anyway, 'twas a long time ago! :)
--- Dinesh Joshi wrote:
Wow! You all are really "experts!" - I feel like I'm taking baby steps in /development under a distribution/.
-- FSF of India Associate Fellow - ubunturos @ freenode
5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store unlimited mails in your inbox. Go to
On 8/8/07, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
Nah, not much really but the effort I took those days were much more than these days. It was probably an escape route for me or something when I was supposed to something else ;)
Didn't know that you were there. Never saw you there or remember you from my forum days. Only Indians I remember are - Deepak T and one dude from BITS Pilani whose nick was "guilt". Probably you came after I left.
Really? Never had any problems on Windows. I hardly ever programmed anything with Allegro on Linux. At the most, I just built or probably just installed the package on Linux because I was getting bored or something. Whatever worthwhile Allegro stuff I did was all on Windows 98, probabably a very little bit on Win2K.
Anyway, 'twas a long time ago! :)
Yups, but I am thinking of going back there, may in some time. :)
On 8/6/07, Roshan wrote:
What about TurboC? ``Porting Borland Turbo C source code to GNU gcc''
Regards, Mohan S N
On 8/6/07, Roshan wrote:
You can do everything, and more. In fact, you can draw in different video modes as well, so it's really cool.
I've added a small program in the howto that draws a gradient on a 1024x768 screen. Not the entire screen since I'm feeling too lazy to do that right now ;)