Hi, Many thanks to all who replied to my query on partitioning. I'll try it out over the wkend!
One question: I have some files jpegs, docs etc. in Windows fat32 system, while linux uses ext2(I gather). Can I still access these docs from linux?
Thanks, --Royce.
--- Royce & Sharal Pereira bethell@eth.net wrote:
Yes you can access those files from within GNULlinux just mount the fat32 partition in GNU\Linux.
Anyways Best of luck for the weekend ;)
Regards Pranav
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--- Satyajit Phanse phanse@musc.edu wrote:
Please. "GNU/Linux". Not "". "/". This is not Win32.
you aren't helping anyone by saying this plus the slash doesn't matter as long as the message is conveyed..
flames >/dev/null echo $SENDER | ignore
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On May 29, 2003 at 13:18, Pranav Joshi wrote:
This was not intended to help anyone.
slash doesn't matter as long as the message is conveyed..
No, it DOES matter. Enough of this "chalta hai" attitude.
How about we start flipping every 100th bit that passes through your router? It's only 1%, right?
flames >/dev/null echo $SENDER | ignore
--- Satya satyap@satya.virtualave.net wrote:
I bet you haven't heard Richard Stallman's speech in V.J.T.I... I'll quote him for you approximately
"call it GNU\Linux, GNU+Linux whatever you may but please mention GNU we've worked hard on system you are working on"
If he doesnt mind it why do you?
let's not contaminate the mailing list with personal arguement if you wanna continue mail me directly at merciless_messiah[at]yahoo.com
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