---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 10:09:52 +0000 To: ACMBOMBAY-GENERAL@ACM.ORG
I would like to remind you of the brainstorming-cum-debate session on the topic titled: "What makes computer games playable?" coming on Friday August 9, 2002 at 6:30pm at NCST, Gulmohar Cross Road 9, Juhu, Mumbai 400049.
This event would be held as a part of the ACM meeting, which is held once every month.
Although, the topic is quite general, it is recommended that you read *something* regarding this topic. A good exemplary reference material is: http://www.vancouver.wsu.edu/fac/peabody/game-book/Coverpage.html (This reference is a bit dated but nevertheless may still be useful)
Hopefully, you'll read more about this topic -- and not read ONLY the reference cited above :) -- for the discussion/debate to be fruitful.
Hoping to see you here!
regards - JJH ps - If you are interested in giving a seminar for ACM please contact me.